2017 JGI Community Science Program Annual Call Released
The CSP Annual Call is focused on large-scale sequence-based genomic science projects that address questions of relevance to DOE missions in energy security and sustainability and global biogeochemistry. While applications will be accepted that address any aspect of these mission areas, priority for this call will be given to projects that address the specific areas of special emphasis that are listed in the call, and exploit the diversity of JGI technical and analytical capabilities.
This year four topics areas are emphasized:
Plant Functional Genomics and Microbiomes
Inter-organismal Interactions
Microbiology of Extreme Environments
Microbes and Communities Involved in Elemental Cycling in Terrestrial and Coastal Environments
A Letter of Intent is required before submitting a proposal. Letters of intent for CSP18 will only be accepted electronically and should be submitted between February 6 and March 31, 2017. For more information, please see the website.