DOE BER welcomes Jennifer Arrigo to the Environmental System Sciences Team as a Program Manager

Jennifer Arrigo

Before joining DOE, Jennifer spent three years on staff at the U.S. Global Change Research Program’s (USGCRP) National Coordination Office, where she led scoping, development and support for a U.S. Program Office for the Global Water and Energy Exchanges (GEWEX) project of the World Climate Research Program, among providing broader support for U.S. interagency water activities under USGCRP.

She has also served as a program manager in NOAA’s Climate Program Office, where she managed the Climate Monitoring Program, which supports development of authoritative climate data records and information products tailored for various researchers and stakeholders. Before coming to the D.C. area in 2014, she spent several years working with a diverse water science research community as senior program manager and then deputy director of the Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Sciences, Inc. (CUAHSI), a non-profit university consortium for water research, funded primarily by the U.S. National Science Foundation, that develops community science initiatives and infrastructure to support interdisciplinary water science. During her time with CUAHSI, Jennifer focused on community hydrologic modeling, data services, technical exchange programs for instrumentation development, and water science education and training.

Jennifer also has served as an assistant professor of Atmospheric Science at East Carolina University. She holds a Ph.D. in geography from Boston University, where her dissertation research focused on using probabilistic methods to characterize heterogeneity in soil moisture data at different scales and on observational studies of land-atmosphere interactions.