November 08, 2024
The “Photosynthetic C1 Pathway” Links Carbon Assimilation and Growth in Plants
Exciting discovery of the “photosynthetic C1 pathway” in plants.
The Science
This research unveils a highly active “photosynthetic one-carbon (C1) pathway” in poplar trees—crucial for plant growth and potentially widespread across the plant kingdom, suggesting an evolutionary origin in cyanobacteria. This pathway may be a fundamental mechanism in the “carbon dioxide (CO2) fertilization” response of the biosphere, evolving alongside oxygenic photosynthesis to boost plant productivity, especially under elevated CO2 conditions.
In the presence of light, C1 photosynthesis is driven by RuBisCO—the same enzyme behind the Calvin-Benson cycle. While the Calvin cycle focuses on three-carbon (C3) intermediates, C1 photosynthesis goes further, integrating CO2 with sulfate and ammonia assimilation directly into amino acids. This paper describes the process like a soccer game, where RuBisCO continuously “passes the ball” (carbon atoms) to enzymes that work together to “score goals” by attaching these carbon atoms to vital growth compounds.
The Impact
The discovery of an active C1 photosynthesis pathway in plants may resolve the long-standing controversy about plant methane production and explain the large carbon-13 (13C) anomaly observed in C1 carbon pools over 2 decades ago. Additionally, the study predicts an upregulation of C1 photosynthesis and nutrient assimilation with elevated CO2 as a potentially key mechanism facilitating the “CO2 fertilization” of the biosphere. Given its critical importance for growth, genetic engineering of the photosynthetic C1 pathway could significantly enhance plant productivity.
Although primarily studied in relation to photorespiration, serine metabolism in chloroplasts may play a key role in plant CO2 fertilization responses by linking CO2 assimilation with growth. Here, a team of researchers show the phosphorylated serine pathway is part of a “photosynthetic C1 pathway” and demonstrate its high activity in foliage of a C3 tree where it rapidly integrates photosynthesis and C1 metabolism contributing to new biomass via methyl transfer reactions, imparting a large natural 13C-depleted signature.
Using 13CO2-labeling, researchers show leaf serine, the S-methyl group of leaf methionine, pectin methyl esters, and the associated methanol released during cell wall expansion during growth are directly produced from photosynthetically linked C1 metabolism within minutes of light exposure. The team speculates the photosynthetic C1 pathway is highly conserved across the photosynthetic tree of life, is responsible for synthesis of the greenhouse gas methane, and may have evolved with oxygenic photosynthesis by providing a mechanism of directly linking carbon and ammonia assimilation with growth.
Although the rise in atmospheric CO2 inhibits major metabolic pathways like photorespiration, results suggest the photosynthetic C1 pathway may accelerate and represent a missing link between enhanced photosynthesis and plant growth rates during CO2 fertilization under a changing climate.
Principal Investigator
Kolby Jardine
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
[email protected]
Program Manager
Brian Benscoter
U.S. Department of Energy, Biological and Environmental Research (SC-33)
Environmental System Science
[email protected]
This research was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science, Biological and Environmental Research (BER) program, Biological Systems Science Division, Early Career Research Program under Award number FP00007421. Additional DOE funding for the research came from the Next-Generation Ecosystem Experiments Tropics (NGEE Tropics) through contract no. DE-AC02-05CH11231 as part of DOE’s Environmental System Science program. The metabolomics analysis was supported by BER’s Microbial Community Analysis and Functional Evaluation in Soils ([email protected]), a science focus area at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory funded by DE-AC02-05CH11231. Support from Brazil was provided from the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) grant 312589/2022-0 (Bolsa de produtividade em Pesquisa) and AUSPIN Edital 001/2022—Programa de Bolsas de Intercâmbio Internacional.
Related Links
- The Global Photosynthetic C1 Pathway and Plant Growth [Animation]
- Researchers Uncover a Hidden Carbon Pathway in Photosynthesis
Jardine, K. J., et al. "The ‘Photosynthetic C1 Pathway’ Links Carbon Assimilation and Growth in California Poplar." Communications Biology 7 1469 (2024).