2016 ESS PI Meeting Research Summary
The Subsurface Biogeochemical Research and Terrestrial Ecosystem Science programs within the Department of Energy’s Office of Biological and Environmental Research (BER) held their third annual joint investigators meeting April 26-27, 2016, in Potomac, Maryland, just north of Washington, D.C.
- Science Highlights, J. DeForest
- TES Program Goals, Objectives, Activities and Highlights, J. DeForest
- SBR Program Goals, Objectives, Activities and Highlights, D. Lesmes
- Accelerated Climate Model for Energy (ACME) Update, D. Koch
- Regional and Global Climate Modeling and Analyses, R. Joseph
- Integrated Assessment Activities, B. Vallario
Individual Abstracts
Meeting agenda
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Time | Program | Speaker |
7:00-8:00 am | Breakfast (Franklin Building) | |
7:00-8:00 am | Meeting Check In (Franklin Building) | |
8:00-9:55 am | Overview of Programs and Strategic Directions (Ben Franklin Hall) | D. Stover |
8:00-8:05 am | Welcome and Introductory Comments | D. Stover |
8:05-8:10 am | BER Programs | S. Weatherwax |
8:10-8:20 am | CESD Programs & Strategic Directions | G. Geernaert |
8:20-8:25 am | Science Highlights | J. DeForest |
8:25-8:45 am | TES Program Goals, Objectives, Activities and Highlights | J. DeForest |
8:45-9:05 am | SBR Program Goals, Objectives, Activities and Highlights | D. Lesmes |
9:05-9:15 am | ESS Working Group | D. Lesmes |
9:15-9:25 am | Accelerated Climate Model for Energy (ACME) Update | D. Koch |
9:25-9:35 am | Regional and Global Climate Modeling and Analyses | R. Joseph |
9:35-9:45 am | Integrated Assessment Activities | B. Vallario |
9:45-10:10 am | Break | |
10:10-12:10 pm | Plenary Session I ?Building Community Infrastructure: Observations, Data, & Models (Ben Franklin Hall) | J. Hnilo and D. Lesmes |
10:10-10:25 am | AmeriFlux's Role in Building Community Infrastructure: Observations, Data and Models | D. Baldocchi |
10:25-10:40 am | Large-Scale Remote Autonomous Data Collection: Philosophy, Methods, Accessibility and Quality Control | P. Hanson |
10:40-10:55 am | Streamlining data flows & tool development | D. Agarwal |
10:55-11:10 am | Federated Data Management | D. Williams |
11:10-11:15 am | Interoperable Design of Extreme-scale Application Software (IDEAS) | L. Curfman McInnes |
11:15-11:30 am | Interoperability and Productivity in Modeling Watershed-Scale Integrated Surface-Subsurface Water Flow and Biogeochemical Cycling | C. Steefel |
11:30-11:45 am | A Multiscale Strategy for Process-Rich, Microtopography-Aware Simulations of Thermal Hydrology in Polygonal Tundra | S. Painter |
11:45-12:00 pm | Towards a High Resolution, Integrated Hydrology Model of North America: Diagnosis of Feedbacks between Groundwater and Land Energy Fluxes at Continental Scales | R. Maxwell |
12:00-12:10 pm | Realizing the Virtual Laboratory through Community Supported Cyberinfrastructure: Leveraging IDEAS and beyond | D. Moulton |
12:10-2:00 pm | Lunch (Osgood Building) | |
1:00-2:00 pm | Lunch with Facilities & Community Resources Facilities Integrating Collaborations for User Science (FICUS) ? ARM, EMSL, JGI (Room 3) | N. Hickmon, K. Hofmockel, A. Rivers |
1:00-2:00 pm | DOE Computational Activities and Programs, including How to Access HPC and Leadership Resources (Room 4) | L. Nowell, C. Lauzon, T. Ndousse-Fetter |
2:00-5:00 pm | Poster Session I (Franklin Building: Rooms 9A/B, and 21) | |
2:00-3:30 pm | Poster Subsession A | |
3:30-5:00 pm | Poster Subsession B | |
5:30-7:00 pm | Dinner (Osgood Building) | |
7:00-8:30 pm | Concurrent Sessions - I (Franklin Building) | |
Concurrent Session 1: 20th Anniversary of AmeriFlux (Room: Ben Franklin Hall) | Stover | |
7:00-7:20 pm | History of the AmeriFlux network | D. Hollinger |
7:20-7:40 pm | Harnessing Site Clusters to Strengthen Earth System Models. | A. Noormets |
7:40-8:00 pm | The future of the AmeriFlux network | T. Keenon |
8:00-8:30 pm | Discussion | |
8:30 PM | Adjourn | |
Concurrent Session 2: Terrestrial-Aquatic Interfaces (Room 3) | DeForest | |
7:00-7:20 pm | Elevated CO2 Effects on Estuaries: Ocean Acidification versus Wetland Alkalization | P. Megonigal |
7:20-7:40 pm | Pan-arctic estimates of carbon exports across floodplain-river interfaces | J. Rowland |
7:40-8:00 pm | Differences in the Complexity of Soluble Organic Carbon Sampled from Different Pore Size Domains: Physical Protection as a Mechanism for the Persistence of C in Soils | V. Bailey |
8:00-8:20 pm | Warming effects on peat column CH4 dynamics in a Minnesota bog | J. Keller |
8:20 PM | Discussion | |
8:30 PM | Adjourn | |
Concurrent Session 3: Community Modeling of Soil Systems: A Discussion (Room 4) | Lesmes | |
7:00-7:05 | Session Introduction | D. Lesmes |
7:05-7:15 pm | Formation of an International Soil Modeling Consortium (Community) | M. Young |
7:15-8:00 pm | Discussion with panelists: Yakov Pachepsky (USDA), Xingyuan Chen (PNNL), Scott Painter (ORNL), Boris Faybishenko (LBNL), Kate Maher (Stanford U.). | |
8:00-8:30 pm | Open Discussion and Paths Forward | All |
8:30 PM | Adjourn | |
Concurrent Session 4: Biogeochemical Interactions in the Surface Water - Groundwater Interaction Zone (Room 17A/17B) | Bayer | |
7:00-7:20 | Coupled spatiotemporal dynamics of hydrology, biogeochemistry, and microbial ecology | J. Steegan |
7:20-7:40 pm | Field and laboratory scale investigations of biogeochemical gradients across the surface water groundwater interface | S. Brooks |
7:40-8:00 pm | Climate and hydrological controls on riverbed bioclogging and implications for water resources and quality | M. Newcomer |
8:00-8:20 pm | Evaluating trace metal limitations on methane fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems | J. Catalano |
8:20-8:20 pm | Discussion | |
8:30 PM | Adjourn |
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Time | Program | Speaker |
7:00-8:00 am | Breakfast (Osgood Building) | |
8:00-9:00 am | Plenary Session II: Model Development and Testing ? Managing Complexity (Ben Franklin Hall) | Lesmes |
8:00-8:15 am | Traits modeling approaches | L. Kueppers |
8:15-8:30 am | The challenges and opportunities of growing FRED: a global Fine-Root Ecology Database | C. Iversen |
8:30-8:45 am | Advancing systems-level understanding through data-constrained modeling at the Rifle field site | S. Yabusaki |
8:45-9:00 am | Reactive transport modeling in the era of genomics | E. Brodie |
9:00-12:00 pm | Poster Session II (Franklin Building: Rooms 1, 9A/9B, and 21) | |
9:00-10:30 am | Poster Subsession C | |
10:30-12:00 pm | Poster Subsession D | |
12:00-1:30 pm | Lunch (Osgood Building) | |
Sage Advice for Students and Post-Docs (Room 17A/17B) | D. Stover | |
1:30-3:00 pm | Concurrent Sessions ? II (Franklin Building) | |
1:30-3:00 pm | Concurrent Session 5: Recent Advances in Belowground Ecology (Room 3) | DeForest |
1:30-1:50 pm | Topographic Controls on Root Length Density and Soil Respiration | D. Eissenstat |
1:50-2:10 pm | Turning uncertainty into opportunity by advancing theory and models | W. Wieder |
2:10-2:30 pm | Model-inspired measurements of phosphorus at the root-soil interface | R. Norby |
2:30-2:50 pm | Carbon Partitioning from Foliage to Fungi: a Model-Experiment Case Study | J. Warren |
2:50-3:00 pm | Discussion | |
3:00 PM | Adjourn | |
1:30-3:00 pm | Concurrent Session 6: Arctic Ecosystem Ecology (Room 4) | Stover |
1:30-1:50 pm | The impact of permafrost carbon loss on the carbon balance of an experimentally warmed tundra ecosystem | T. Schuur |
1:50-2:10p am | Quantifying the distribution and composition of soil carbon stocks in polygonal landscapes of the Alaskan coastal plain | J. Jastrow |
2:10-2:30 pm | NGEE Arctic: Making the Move to Phase 2 | S. Wullschleger |
2:30-2:50 pm | Understanding snow-vegetation-permafrost interactions for land modeling | C. Wilson |
2:50-3:00 pm | Discussion | |
3:00 PM | Adjourn | |
Concurrent Session 7: Watershed Function and Dynamics: Understanding Disturbed and Managed Systems (Room: Ben Franklin Hall) | Lesmes | |
1:30-1:50 pm | Potential impacts of projected hydro-climatic changes on groundwater and surface water interactions along the Columbia River Corridor | M. Tfaily |
1:50-2:10 pm | Effect of damming on nutrient fluxes in rivers | M. Torn |
2:10-2:30 pm | Critical watersheds: Multiscale impacts of drought and fire | B. Gu |
2:30-2:50 pm | Effects of drought on agroecosystems and watersheds | A. Finzi |
2:50pm | Discussion | |
3:00 PM | Adjourn | |
Concurrent Session 8: Redox Cycling and Organomineral Interactions (Room 17A/17B) | Hirsch | |
1:30-1:50 pm | Aquifer anaerobic heterogeneities: molecular controls over carbon fate and | |
radionuclide cycling | J. Bargar | |
1:50-2:10 pm | Subsurface reactive oxygen species and implications | P. Nico |
2:10-2:30 pm | Fe/Mn/S redox dynamics and effects on U/Hg transformations | K. Kemner |
2:30-2:50 pm | Coupled biogeochemical cycles of Fe and C during redox reactions | F. Yang |
2:50 PM | Discussion | |
3:00pm | Adjourn | |
3:00-3:20 pm | Break | |
3:20-5:30 pm | Plenary Session III ? Broad Federal Agency Perspective (Ben Franklin Hall) | Geernaert |
3:20-3:30 pm | Introduction | G. Geernaert |
Coordinating Climate Science Research | ||
3:30-3:45-pm | Global Change Research: Perspectives from the science-policy interface | M. Kuperberg |
3:45-4:55 pm | 2nd State of the Carbon Cycle Report (SOCCR-2) | M. Mayes |
4:55-5:05 pm | Questions | M. Kuperberg and M. Mayes |
Water-Energy-Land Nexus: Understanding and Managing System Complexity and Dynamics | ||
4:05-4:15 pm | The Energy-Water Nexus ? Research Challenges and Opportunities | B. Vallario |
4:15-4:25 pm | Planning for the Future ? Hydropower | H. Battey |
4:25-4:35 pm | Innovations at the Nexus of Food, Energy and Water Systems | T. Torgersen |
4:35-4:45 pm | Research, Monitoring, and Assessment of the Nation's Water Resources | D. Cline |
4:45-4:55 pm | Planning for the Future ? Overview of the National Water Model | E. Clark |
4:55-5:20 pm | Discussion: Building Community Infrastructure for Research and Operations David Lesmes (moderator): Hoyt Battey, Edward Clark, Donald Cline, Thomas Torgersen, Bob Vallario | |
5:20-5:30 pm | Closeout/Announcements | T. Torgersen |
5:30-7:00 pm | Dinner (Osgood Building) | |
7:00 PM | Adjourn | |
Team Meetings (Franklin Building) | ||
7:00 PM | NGEE-Tropics (Room 3) | J. Chambers |
7:00 PM | NGEE-Arctic (Room 4) | S. Wullschleger |
7:00 PM | SPRUCE (Room 17A/17B) | P. Hanson |