Scientific Legacies

These short remembrances are meant to briefly commemorate the lives and contributions of distinguished scientists supported by the program who have significantly advanced scientific understanding.

Joanne Childs

Remembering the life of Joanne Childs, who was a master technician for FACE, SPRUCE, NGEE-Arctic, NGEE-Tropics

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John Zachara

Tribute to John Zachara by Jim Fredrickson with contributions from Paul Bayer, Sonia Enloe, Anna King, and Eric Roden.

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Terry Beveridge

Terry Beveridge Memorial Lecture (PDF) “Geochemical Reactivity of Bacterial Cell Surfaces” given by Grant Ferris at the 2008 DOE-ERSP

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Dick Dayvault

Tribute to Dr. Dayvault by Phil Long and Ken Williams

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Philip M. Jardine

Tribute to Dr. Jardine by Scott Brooks, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

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David White

Tribute to Dr. White by Tommy Phelps, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (retired)

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