
BER Overview Video

Short overview of the DOE Biological and Environmental Research Program

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Terrestrial Ecology Projects

Greenhouse Gas Tower

A group of researchers from the Research Institute of the Peruvian Amazon (IIAP) conducts studies on air cycles and movements using a greenhouse gas capture tower and other sensors in the Quistococha aguajal palm swamp. (2022)

SPRUCE Shows Impacts of Climate Change Scenarios

In celebration of Earth Day 2022, SPRUCE researchers talked with Ben Tracy from CBS Morning about the experiment and how it’s providing a window into the future of peatlands affected by climate change. (2022)

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Subsurface Biogeochemical Research Webinar

Design for Scientists 101: An ESS Webinar

This webinar introduces scientists to design-led approaches to solving big challenges with impactful projects. (2019; Note: audio starts at ~2 min]

East River, Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory (RMBL), Redwell Basin Field Site; Colorado

Watershed Function Science Focus Area at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)

General Headwaters Watershed Research

Introduction - Watershed Function SFA

A LBNL team studies ecosystem changes in a research area along the East River catchment near the Upper Colorado River headwaters.

Plants as Sensors - Watershed Function SFA

A LBNL team studies changes to plant communities along the East River catchment near the Upper Colorado River headwaters.

Nitrogen Worlds - Watershed Function SFA

LBNL scientists are working to identify major inputs and exports of nitrogen in a pristine East River, Colorado, watershed system.

Characterizing Rifle Subsurface Microbes

LBNL’s Jill Banfield on how the DOE JGI advanced her research on the roles of subsurface microbial communities in biogeochemical cycling (2015).

Metabolic Potential

LBNL researchers discuss how metabolic lifestyles of microbial communities modulate in response to as well as influence environmental change. (2015)

Watershed Structure and Controls

LBNL’s Ken Williams discusses identification and monitoring of primary factors that control biogeochemical functioning. (2015)


LBNL SFA overview by Susan Hubbard on its mission to develop a predictive understanding of terrestrial environments. (2014)

East River Site

4D Digital Watershed

LBNL researchers study ecosystem changes in a research area along the East River catchment near the Upper Colorado River headwaters.

East River Virtual Site Visit

Watch one of the groundwater discharge zones into the East River (northeast of Crested Butte, Colorado) being studied by researchers (2017).

Hillslope Sites

Meet the Scientist: Marty Briggs (USGS)

Meet Marty Briggs who is working within the East River watershed to explore a diversity of groundwater-surface zone interactions zones. (2018)

Meet the Scientist: Rick Colwell and Laura Lapham

Project using osmotically driven pumps to continuous sample groundwater, pore water, and stream water under harsh winter conditions. (2017)

Ground-based Hyperspectral Data Collection and Sampling

Sampling approach to link ground and airborne based hyperspectral measurements with plant chemistry and functional type. (2017)

Irwin Field Site

Snow Pit Digging

Virtual site visit of snow pit digging associated with the April 2019 “peak SWE” NASA-JPL Airborne Snow Observatory (ASO) overflight. (2019)

Snow Pit Sampling

Virtual site visit of snow pit sampling associated with the April 2019 “peak SWE” NASA-JPL Airborne Snow Observatory (ASO) overflight. (2019)

Pumphouse Site

Offchannel Wetland Complex Upstream from Pumphouse

Virtual site visit of the off-channel wetland complex upstream of the Pumphouse region on the East River main stem. (2019)

Pumphouse Lower Montane Shale Drilling

Drilling activity (Oct. 7, 2018) associated with coring borehole PLM5 along the Pumphouse lower montane hillslope intensive study area. (2018)

Meet the Scientist: Audrey Sawyer and Mike Wilkins

Teams working the Pumphouse reach of the East River studying river stage variations on biogeochemical reactions in streambed sediments. (2018)

Pumphouse Snowmelt Manipulation Site

Video presents the experimental snowmelt manipulation plots along the Pumphouse hillslope. (2018)

Pumphouse Intensive Hillslope Study Site

Site conditions along the Pumphouse intensive hillslope study site. Infrastructure improvements tied to winter and spring sampling. (2017)

Pumphouse Cattle Drive

See the Pumphouse site during “peak cattle” event as a herd was driven down the East River valley amongst the SFA infrastructure. (2017)

Redwell Basin Site

Meet the Scientist: Andy Manning and Lyndsay Ball

Research activities of USGS scientists Andy Manning and Lyndsay Ball within the East River watershed tied to the Redwell Basin drilling project. (2017

Upper Elevation" Redwell Basin Drilling

Heavily mineralized 180’ deep core is presented, with mineralization present in altered sand/silt stones of Mesa Verde formation, Mancos shale. (2017)

Core Recovery Upper Elevation Redwell Basin

Mineralized core including massive pyrite and apparent fault zone/fault gouge in the altered sand and silt stones of the Mesa Verde formation. (2017)

Hydrologic Testing in Redwell Basin

Packer system and method used for downhole rock permeability measurements within the Upper Elevation borehole drilled in the Redwell Basin. (2017)

Virtual Tour: Redwell Basin Part 1 and Part 2

Tour of research activities planned to examine the impact of climate disturbance on metals release from mountain watersheds. (July 13, 2017)

Slate River Site

DOE SBIR-Funded Scientist: Don Nuzio

East River Community Watershed is used to test novel electrochemical platform to quantify riverine fluxes of oxygen and metals. (2019)

Water Infiltration Experiment at the Slate River

Postdoctoral researcher Bradley Tolar discusses his infiltration experiment at the Slate River in Colorado, conducted as part of the SLAC Floodplain Hydro-Biogeochemistry SFA .

Columbia River Reach, Hanford Site; Washington

River Corridor Hydro-biogeochemistry Scientific Focus Area at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)

Measuring Particulate Organic Matter Deposition in the Hyporheic Zone

PNNL researchers deploy particulate organic matter (POM) traps on the Columbia River shoreline to better understand the microbial ecology of this subsurface zone beneath the riverbed. (2020)

Mapping Underwater Chemical Activities

Researchers at PNNL re-engineered a technique known as electrical resistivity tomography to study waterway interactions. (2020)

Crowdsource Science

Crowdsource Science for Disturbance Ecology. (2020)

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WHONDRS Research Consortium

Overview of the aims and goals of the WHONDRS research consortium. (2019)

WHONDRS Surface Water Sampling Protocol

Demonstrates protocol for a global-scale community-enabled study of surface water metabolomics led by WHONDRS. (2019)

WHONDRS Diel Cycling Study Protocol

Demonstrates protocol for 48-hour Diel Cycling Study for WHONDRS. (2018)

New Hydrobiogeochemistry Sensor in River Corridors

New sensor technology for estimating the mass flux of water through subsurface sediments in dynamic systems. (2018)

Multidisciplinary Instrumentation and Modeling

Details of a Columbia River experiment to help predict hydrobiogeochemical function under future environmental conditions. (2017)

Real-time 4D Subsurface Imaging

2016 R&D 100 Award-winning imaging technology that enables researchers—for the first time—to take four-dimensional views of the subsurface. (2016)

Mighty Microbes Where Rivers Run

Ecologist James Stegen discuss hyporheic zone research in the area where river water and groundwater mix along the Columbia River. (2016)

Tims Branch Wetlands Site, Savannah River National Laboratory; Aiken, SC

Closed Science Focus Area: Wetland Hydro-biogeochemistry Science Focus Area at Argonne National Laboratory (ANL)

Gamma Sampling at Tims Branch

SRNL, ANL, Clemson, and UGA researchers studying low-level uranium concentrated in Tims Branch wetlands in Aiken, SC. (2020)

East River, Colorado and Riverton, Wyoming Field Sites

Closed Science Focus Area:Floodplain Hydro-Biogeochemistry Science Focus Area at Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL)

X-ray Microprobes in Water Quality Models

John Bargar shows how an X-ray microprobe can be used to develop models to manage water quality and predict our nation’s water availability. (2018)

Meet the Scientist: John Bargar

John Bargar describes work being performed within the greater East River Watershed associated with the DOE-funded Groundwater Quality SFA. (2017)