Understanding and Predictability of Integrated Mountain Hydroclimate Workshop Report
- Print Publication: April 2023
- Workshop Dates: November 15-16, 2021 (Session 1) and January 19, 2022 (Session 2)
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The “Understanding and Predictability of Integrated Mountain Hydroclimate” workshop—motivated by gaps in understanding, observing, and modeling integrated mountain hydroclimate and needs for credible projections of future changes—set out to inform and catalyze growing interests of DOE BER’s Earth and Environmental Systems Sciences Division in enhancing predictive understanding of IMHC.
The virtual workshop was organized to identify knowledge gaps, observational and modeling challenges, and short- (i.e., 1-3 years) to long-term (i.e., 10 years and beyond) opportunities in integrated mountain hydroclimate research, and to foster collaboration and coordination. To address the outstanding challenges of integrated mountain hydroclimate, the workshop included two sessions organized by disciplinary, cross-disciplinary, and crosscutting science topics. The disciplinary and cross-disciplinary topics focused on atmosphere, terrestrial, and human systems and their interactions, which are essential elements of the integrated mountain hydroclimate.
Breakout sessions on the disciplinary and cross-disciplinary topics facilitated identification of crosscutting topics and central emerging themes. Session 1 focused on connecting existing DOE investments to accelerate scientific progress around scientific challenges to understanding mountain hydroclimate. Key takeaways from Session 1 were further explored through the lens of multiagency collaborations and coordination in Session 2.
Suggested Citation: U.S. DOE. 2023. Understanding and Predictability of Integrated Mountain Hydroclimate Workshop Report, DOE/SC-0210. U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science. https://doi.org/10.2172/1967878.