2020 ESS PI Meeting Research Summary

The 2020 ESS PI meeting was postponed until 2021. A Virtual All-Hands Meeting was held May 19-20 to provide updates to the ESS community. The first day’s session focused on programmatic updates from TES and SBR as well as from other joint efforts (e.g., ESS-DIVE, etc.). The second day’s session included plenary science and programmatic talks.

Individual Abstracts

Last NameFirst NamePoster TitleInstitutionProgram AreaProject
WullschlegerStan21st Century Tundra Shrubification Controlled by Non-Growing Season Plant Nutrient UptakeOak Ridge National LaboratoryTESNGEE-Arctic
VersteegRoelofA cloud based cyberinfrastructure for automated model/data integrationSubsurface InsightsSBRSBIR
LarsenIsaacAbiotic versus Biotic Influences on Chemical Weathering and Solute Generation in the East River WatershedUniversity of Massachusetts, AmherstSBREarly Career
HubbardSusanAggregated Watershed ModelingLawrence Berkeley National LaboratorySBRLBNL-SFA
HansonPaulAn Investigation of the Role of Methoxylated Aromatic Compounds in Methanogenesis from Peatland an Update on Ongoing SPRUCE Metagenomic AnalysesOak Ridge National LaboratoryTESORNL-SFA
KostkaJoelAncient peat carbon is released as greenhouse gases following whole ecosystem warming in a northern Minnesota bogGeorgia Institute of TechnologyTESUniversity Award
TornMargaretApplying the ELM Microbial-explicit Soil Biogeochemical Model to Analyze Carbon Responses to Whole Soil Profile WarmingLawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryTESLBNL-SFA
ChambersJeffBenchmarking and Parameter Sensitivity of Physiological and Vegetation Dynamics using the Functionally Assembled Terrestrial Ecosystem Simulator (FATES) at Barro Colorado Island, PanamaLawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryTESNGEE-Tropics
NuzzioDonaldBiogeochemical Characterization of Redox Species in Real timeAnalytical Instrument Systems, Inc.SBRSBIR
ScheibeTimBiogeochemical Consequences of DOM Chemistry, Microbial Gene Expression, and Nutrient Concentrations: Integration and Substrate/Microbially-Explicit Models Linked to Reactive Transport Pacific Northwest National LaboratorySBRPNNL-SFA
WullschlegerStanBiogeochemical Sources and Exports in a Small Headwater Catchment Underlain with Discontinuous PermafrostOak Ridge National LaboratoryTESNGEE-Arctic
PierceEricBiogeochemical transformations at critical interfaces in a mercury perturbed watershed scientific focus areaOak Ridge National LaboratorySBRORNL-SFA
PierceEricBiomolecular processes contributing to Hg transformations at critical interfacesOak Ridge National LaboratorySBRORNL-SFA
DruhanJenniferCarbon Dioxide Production in Bedrock beneath Soils Substantially Contributes to Forest Carbon CyclingThe University of Illinois Urbana-ChampaignSBRUniversity Award
JardineKolbyCell Wall O-Acetyl and Methyl Esterification Patterns of Leaves Reflected in Atmospheric Emission Signatures of Acetic Acid and MethanolLawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryBEREarly Career
HubbardSusanCharacterization and Quantification of Plant Traits and Species at Watershed Scale: Analysis and Results from the NEON AOP Campaign at the East River watershed, ColoradoLawrence Berkeley National LaboratorySBRLBNL-SFA
FengXueClimate sensitivity of peatland methane emissions mediated by seasonal hydrologic dynamicsUniversity of MinnesotaTESUniversity Award
SmithJeremyComputational Models of Dissolved Organic MatterUniversity of TennesseeSBRUniversity Award
FendorfScottDeciphering controls on metal migration within floodplains: The critical role of redox environments on metal-organic complexesStanford UniversitySBRUniversity Award
LiLiDistinct Source Water Chemistry Shapes Contrasting ConcentrationPennsylvania State UniversitySBRUniversity Award
WullschlegerStanDistributed Temperature Profiling System for Improved Quantification of Soil Thermal and PhysicalOak Ridge National LaboratoryTESNGEE-Arctic
HansonPaulEffects of Photosynthesis on the Timing of Autotrophic and Heterotrophic Respiration FluxesOak Ridge National LaboratoryTESORNL-SFA
JastrowJulieEnsemble Machine Learning Improves Predicted Spatial Heterogeneity of Surface Soil Organic Carbon Stocks in the Data-Limited Northern Circumpolar Permafrost RegionArgonne National LaboratoryTESANL-SFA
AgarwalDeborahESS-DIVE Standards for 16S Amplicon Data Products, Comma-Separated Data Files and File- level MetadataLawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryBERESS-DIVE
ChambersJeffExamining Hydraulic Safety Margins in the Context of Drought Mortality RatesLawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryTESNGEE-Tropics
HubbardSusanExploring Climate and Bedrock Controls on Baseflow Age Distributions in a Snow- Dominated Mountainous WatershedLawrence Berkeley National LaboratorySBRLBNL-SFA
WullschlegerStanFactors Influencing Soil Moisture at Field Sites on the Seward Peninsula, AlaskaOak Ridge National LaboratoryTESNGEE-Arctic
BerkelhammerMaxGlobal patterns of ecosystem legacy associated with dynamic roots and extended root turnover times in E3SMUniversity of Illinois at ChicagoBERUniversity Award
WullschlegerStanHigh-Resolution Mapping of Ice Wedge Polygons for Environmental ApplicationsOak Ridge National LaboratoryTESNGEE-Arctic
HubbardSusanHillslope factors that influence the mobilization and retention of nutrients and other elementsLawrence Berkeley National LaboratorySBRLBNL-SFA
ChambersJeffIncreasing Impacts of Extreme Droughts on Vegetation Productivity under Climate ChangeLawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryTESNGEE-Tropics
SantelliCaraInfluence of hyporheic exchange on coupled S-Fe-C biogeochemical cycling in riparian wetland sedimentsUniversity of MinnesotaSBRUniversity Award
WullschlegerStanInfluence of Topography of Slope Terraces on the Seward Peninsula on Ground Thermal Regime, Hydrology and Development of Biogeochemical ProcessesOak Ridge National LaboratoryTESNGEE-Arctic
KangYuhongIntegrated ChemFET Sensors for Real time Monitoring of Redox Sensitive Metals in Natural WaterNanoSonic, Inc.BERSBIR
TornMargaretIntegrating the ONEFlux Pipeline into AmeriFlux Data Processing WorkflowsLawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryTESLBNL-SFA
TaillefertMartialIntegration of Omics into a New Comprehensive Rate Law for CompetitiveGeorgia Institute of TechnologySBRUniversity Award
PierceEricInvestigating the Dynamics of hgcAB and the Effect of Syntrophic Interactions on Hg-methylationOak Ridge National LaboratorySBRORNL-SFA
VaradharajanCharulekaInvestigating the Impacts of Streamflow Disturbances on Water Quality using a Data-driven FrameworkLawrence Berkeley National LaboratorySBREarly Career
TornMargaretKinetic Properties and Temperature Sensitivity of Microbial Exoenzymes Through the Soil Profile.Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryTESLBNL-SFA
ChambersJeffLandscape controls of biomass accumulation in second growth tropical forests after agricultural abandonmentLawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryTESNGEE-Tropics
HubbardSusanLandscape processes controlling nitrogen loss from mountainous systems.Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratorySBRLBNL-SFA
WullschlegerStanLeveraging Multi-Scale Remote Sensing to Improve our Understanding of Arctic Vegetation Diversity, Structure and FunctionOak Ridge National LaboratoryTESNGEE-Arctic
HubbardSusanLinking River Corridor Processes and Watershed Zonation through Concentration- Discharge (C-Q) AnalysisLawrence Berkeley National LaboratorySBRLBNL-SFA
FraterrigoJenniferLocal and Regional Drivers of Shrub Traits in Northern AlaskaUniversity of Illinois, UrbanaTESUniversity Award
WullschlegerStanMapping Arctic Vegetation using Hyperspectral Airborne Remote Sensing DataOak Ridge National LaboratoryTESNGEE-Arctic
MayesMelanieMeasuring and Modeling Greenhouse Gas Dynamics from Wet Tropical Forest Soils under Contrasting Redox TreatmentsOak Ridge National LaboratoryTESEarly Career
FrancisChristopherMetagenomic Insights into Key Nitrogen-Cycling Microbial Taxa within the Terrestrial Subsurface at Riverton, WYStanford UniversitySBRUniversity Award
MegonigalJ. PatrickMethane Fluxes from the Salt Marsh Accretion Response to Temperature eXperiment (SMARTX)Smithsonian Environmental Research CenterTESUniversity Award
Hsu-KimHeileenMethylation Potential of Mercury for Different Groups of the Methylating Microbial CommunityDuke UniversitySBRUniversity Award
HansonPaulMicrobial Control Over Soil Carbon SaturationOak Ridge National LaboratoryTESORNL-SFA
TasNeslihanMicrobial Controls on Biogeochemical Cycles in Permafrost EcosystemsLawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryBEREarly Career
BrzostekEdwardMicrobial diversity drives specialization in litter decomposition and metabolic productsWest Virginia UniversityTESUniversity Award
BouskillNickMicrobial environmental feedbacks and the evolution of soil organic matterLawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryEarly Career
KemnerKennethMicrotopographic controls on microbial community structureArgonne National LaboratorySBRANL-SFA
HansonPaulModeling the Hydrology and Physiology of Sphagnum Moss in a Northern Temperate BogOak Ridge National LaboratoryTESORNL-SFA
WullschlegerStanModeling the Impacts of Tundra Fire on Shrub ExpansionOak Ridge National LaboratoryTESNGEE-Arctic
RawlinsMichaelModeling the Loading of Terrestrial Dissolved Organic Carbon to Rivers Across the Western ArcticUniversity of Massachusetts, AmherstTESUniversity Award
ChambersJeffModeling water available to plants to improve understanding of tropical forest response to drought and land use land cover changeLawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryTESNGEE-Tropics
WullschlegerStanMODEX Approach to Diagnose and Improve Snow Processes and Phenology in E3SM Land Model (ELM) in Northern High-Latitude RegionsOak Ridge National LaboratoryTESNGEE-Arctic
HansonPaulModification and Evaluation of ELM Seasonal Deciduous Phenology Against the SPRUCE ObservationsOak Ridge National LaboratoryTESORNL-SFA
BurgeScottMonitoring Saturated and Unsaturated Environments Using Microbial Potentiometric Sensors (MPS)Burge Environmental Inc.BERSBIR
StegenJamesMulti-Watershed Perturbation-Response Traits Derived Through Ecological TheoryPacific Northwest National LaboratoryBEREarly Career
ChambersJeffNext-Generation Ecosystem Experiments (NGEE)-Tropics Phase 2 OverviewLawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryTESNGEE-Tropics
WullschlegerStanNext-Generation Ecosystems Experiment (NGEE Arctic): Progress and PlansOak Ridge National LaboratoryTESNGEE-Arctic
WullschlegerStanNGEE Arctic Phase 3 Project Management PrioritiesOak Ridge National LaboratoryTESNGEE-Arctic
ScheibeTimNovel Insights into Reaction-Scale Biogeochemistry in River Corridors and its Response to WildfirePacific Northwest National LaboratorySBRPNNL-SFA
FungInezOn Drought Resilience among Tree SpeciesUniversity of California, BerkeleyTESUniversity Award
JastrowJulieOrganic Matter Composition and Decomposability of Ice-Wedge Polygon Soils on the Coastal Plain of Northern AlaskanArgonne National LaboratoryTESANL-SFA
PierceEricOverlooked Mercury Isotope Exchange Reactions in Environmental SystemsOak Ridge National LaboratorySBRORNL-SFA
SteefelCarlOverview of Exasheds ProjectLawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryBERExaSheds
ChambersJeffPantropical Patterns of Tropical Tree Damage and DeathLawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryTESNGEE-Tropics
WullschlegerStanPatterns and Drivers of Alder Distribution Across a Tundra Landscape at Seward PeninsulaOak Ridge National LaboratoryTESNGEE-Arctic
ChambersJeffPervasive shifts in forest dynamics in a changing worldLawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryTESNGEE-Tropics
González-PinzónRicardoPhysical, Biological and Resource Supply as Key Factors Driving Nutrient Uptake Along a Fluvial NetworkUniversity of New MexicoSBRUniversity Award
PierceEricPredicting Methylmercury Production Kinetics in Sediment with a Transient Availability ModelOak Ridge National LaboratorySBRORNL-SFA
ChambersJeffProcess-Based Model Predictions of Tropical Forest Function Across a Precipitation Gradient in Panama.Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryTESNGEE-Tropics
ScheibeTimQuantifying Basin-Scale Hydrological, Biogeochemical and Thermal Inputs to River Corridors Under Baseline and Disturbance ConditionsPacific Northwest National LaboratorySBRPNNL-SFA
ScheibeTimQuantifying Cumulative Effects of Coupled Organic Matter and Nitrogen Cycling in River Corridors across the Columbia River BasinPacific Northwest National LaboratorySBRPNNL-SFA
ChambersJeffQuantifying Phenological Variations in Tropical Forests Across Scales Using High Spatio-Temporal Satellite Remote sensingLawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryTESNGEE-Tropics
ChambersJeffQuantifying Soil Percolation Dynamics & Biogeochemical Transport in Tropical Soils near Manaus, BrazilLawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryTESNGEE-Tropics
HansonPaulQuantifying Terrestrial Drivers of Uncertainty in Earth System Model Predictions Using Machine LearningOak Ridge National LaboratoryTESORNL-SFA
WullschlegerStanQuantifying the Controls of Permafrost-Dominated Hillslope Processes on both Gradual and Catastrophic Soil MovementOak Ridge National LaboratoryTESNGEE-Arctic
WullschlegerStanQuantifying the Influence of Bedrock, Soil, Snowpack, Topography and Vegetation Properties on Subsurface Thermal Regimes across an Arctic Watershed in a Discontinuous Permafrost Environment,Oak Ridge National LaboratoryTESNGEE-Arctic
BrzostekEdwardQuantitative, Trait-Based Microbial Ecology to Accurately Model the Impacts of N Deposition on Soil C Cycling in the AnthropoceneWest Virginia UniversityTESUniversity Award
ChambersJeffRepresenting Subsurface Lateral Groundwater Flow in Earth System ModelsLawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryTESNGEE-Tropics
GooseffMichaelResolving Aquifer Controls on Larger River-Groundwater Exchanges of Mass and EnergyUniversity of ColoradoSBRUniversity Award
DeangelisKristenResolving Conflicting Physical and Biochemical Feedbacks to Climate in Response to Long-Term WarmingUniversity of Massachusetts, AmherstTESUniversity Award
ScheibeTimRiver Corridor Hydrobiogeochemistry Across BasinsPacific Northwest National LaboratorySBRPNNL-SFA
ScheibeTimRiver Corridor Hydrobiogeochemistry from Reaction to Basin ScalePacific Northwest National LaboratorySBRPNNL-SFA
HubbardSusanRiver Corridor Redox Heterogeneity and Cycling: Impacts on Water ChemistryLawrence Berkeley National LaboratorySBRLBNL-SFA
HansonPaulRoot Function - Process-Level Studies Focused on Mycorrhizae, Drought, Temperature and Neutron ImagingOak Ridge National LaboratoryTESORNL-SFA
KeiluweitMarcoRoot Influences on Mobilization and Export of Mineral-bound Soil Organic MatterUniversity of MassachusettsSBRUniversity Award
TornMargaretScaling AmeriFlux Data Activities to Support Network GrowthLawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryTESLBNL-SFA
BerkelhammerMaxSeasonal origins of tree water-use along a hillslope in the East River WatershedUniversity of Illinois at ChicagoBERUniversity Award
FendorfScottSeasonal Shifts in Mineral and Metabolic Constraints Regulate Carbon Export from Floodplain SoilsStanford UniversitySBRUniversity Award
HansonPaulSeeking the best-fit microbial-relevant parameters via model calibrations: site-specific single dataset or cross-site multiple datasets?Oak Ridge National LaboratoryTESStudent
ChambersJeffShould Terrestrial Biosphere Models Remove Triose Phosphate Utilization Limitation from Their Representation of Photosynthesis_Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryTESNGEE-Tropics
WullschlegerStanSimulating Iron Reduction and Methanogenesis in Arctic Soils Using PFLOTRAN and ELMOak Ridge National LaboratoryTESNGEE-Arctic
DeemsJeffreySimulating Snow Patterns and Evolution in the East River SFA with a Distributed Snow Dynamics ModelUniversity of ColoradoSBRUniversity Award
BargarJohnSLAC Groundwater Quality SFA Program OverviewLawrence Berkeley National LaboratorySBRSLAC
BargarJohnSLAC Groundwater Quality SFA-Describing and Quantifying Anaerobic Microsites: Impact on BGC Nutrient Cycling in SoilsLawrence Berkeley National LaboratorySBRSLAC
BargarJohnSLAC Groundwater Quality SFA: Host Recalcitrance Protects Against Pb Mobilization in Floodplain Sediments During Seasonal Redox CyclesLawrence Berkeley National LaboratorySBRSLAC
BargarJohnSLAC Groundwater Quality SFA: Linking Riparian Microbial Communities and Biogeochemical Cycling to Vertical Groundwater Flow Across Oxic-Anoxic Interfaces at Slate River, COLawrence Berkeley National LaboratorySBRSLAC
BargarJohnSLAC Groundwater Quality SFA: Preferential Mobilization of Nutrients Driven by Distinct Forms of Inundation on a Semi-Arid FloodplainLawrence Berkeley National LaboratorySBRSLAC
BargarJohnSLAC Groundwater Quality SFA: Simulations of Anoxic Lenses as Exporters of Reactivity in Alluvial SedimentsLawrence Berkeley National LaboratorySBRSLAC
NippertJesseSoil Carbon Cycling Changes at Depth Due to Woody Encroachment of Tallgrass PrairieKansas State UniversityTESUniversity Award
PierceEricSpectroscopic Investigations of Late Transition Metal Complexes by Methanobactin ChromophoresOak Ridge National LaboratorySBRORNL-SFA
TornMargaretStabilization of Mineral Associate Simple Organic Molecules Under Varying Temperature and Moisture Conditions-- LBNL, TES, SFALawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryTESLBNL-SFA
AgarwalDeborahStandardizing sample information to support efficient tracking, data integration, and reuse in Environmental Systems ScienceLawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryBERESS-DIVE
CardonZoeSticky Roots--Implications of Widespread Viral Infection of Plants for Soil Carbon Processing in the RhizosphereEcosystems Center, Marine Biological LaboratoryTESUniversity Award
PierceEricStructural and mechanistic characterization of Hg transformationsOak Ridge National LaboratorySBRORNL-SFA
CovinoTimSubalpine forest regeneration decreases DOM exports, but increases DOM reactivity to head water streamsU.S. Forest ServiceSBRUniversity Award
PierceEricSynergistic effects of a chalkophore, methanobactin, on microbial methylation of mercuryOak Ridge National LaboratorySBRORNL-SFA
ScheibeTimTemporal Trajectories of Wildfire Effects and their Relationship to Precipitation in the Columbia River BasinPacific Northwest National LaboratorySBRPNNL-SFA
TornMargaretThe AmeriFlux Management Project: Overview and the Year of MethaneLawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryTESLBNL-SFA
TornMargaretThe AmeriFlux Rapid Response SystemLawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryTESLBNL-SFA
KemnerKennethThe Argonne National Laboratory Subsurface Biogeochemical Research Program SFA: Wetland HydrobiogeochemistryArgonne National LaboratorySBRANL-SFA
TornMargaretThe Berkeley Lab Terrestrial Ecosystem Science SFA on Belowground Biogeochemistry: Five years of deep soil warmingLawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryTESLBNL-SFA
MounceyNigelThe DOE Joint Genome Institute: A User Facility for Environmental & Energy GenomicsJGIBERUser Facility
CardenasM. BayaniThe Effects of Stream Organic Matter on Respiration in Hyporheic Zones: Combined Insights from Flume and Computational ExperimentsThe University of Texas at AustinSBRUniversity Award
WullschlegerStanThe Effects of Talik Formation on Non-Growing Season Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling Permafrost EcosystemsOak Ridge National LaboratoryTESNGEE-Arctic
BianchiThomasThe Hydro-bio-geochemistry of the Columbia River - Tributary ConfluencesUniversity of FloridaSBRUniversity Award
ChambersJeffThe LBA : NGEE-Tropics data collaboration and water dynamics impacts of the 2015 drought in Central AmazonLawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryTESNGEE-Tropics
HubbardSusanThe Resilience of Mountain Plants and their Role in Sustaining Ecosystem ServicesLawrence Berkeley National LaboratorySBRLBNL-SFA
KostkaJoelThe response of greenhouse gas production (GHG) pathways to elevated temperature in the SPRUCE peatlandGeorgia Institute of TechnologyTESUniversity Award
FeldmanDanielThe Surface Atmosphere Integrated field Laboratory (SAIL) ARM Mobile Facility CampaignLawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryBERARM
HubbardSusanThe Watershed Function SFA: Mountainous System Hydrobiogeochemical Response to Disturbance across Genome to Watershed ScalesLawrence Berkeley National LaboratorySBRLBNL-SFA
NeumannRebeccaThermal Transport by Rain: A Mechanism for Warming and Thawing Frozen SoilUniversity of WashingtonTESUniversity Award
StegenJamesToward watershed simulations combining machine learning and high-resolution process-based models: Initial results from the ExaSheds projectPacific Northwest National LaboratoryBEREarly Career
PainterScottToward watershed simulations combining machine learning and high-resolution process-based models: Initial results from the ExaSheds projectOak Ridge National LaboratoryBERExaSheds
CatalanoJeffreyTrace Metal Dynamics and Limitations on Biogeochemical Cycling in Wetland Soils and Hyporheic ZonesWashington UniversitySBRUniversity Award
KellerMichaelTracking the Structural Reassembly of Puerto Rican Tropical Forests Following Hurricane MariaNASA Jet Propulsion LaboratoryTESFederal Agency
ParasharRishiTransport and Retention of Metal Reducing Motile Bacteria in Idealized Pore GeometriesDesert Research InstituteSBRUniversity Award
McfarlaneKarisTropical Forest Response to a Drier Future: Synthesis and Modeling of Soil Carbon Stocks and AgeLawrence Livermore National LaboratoryTESEarly Career
WullschlegerStanUnderstanding Snow Patterns for Improved Earth System Modeling in the ArcticOak Ridge National LaboratoryTESNGEE-Arctic
ScheibeTimUnderstanding Spatial Patterns and Impacts of Hydrologic Exchange and Microbial Community Function from Reaction to Basin ScalesPacific Northwest National LaboratorySBRPNNL-SFA
HansonPaulUnderstanding Taxonomic, Environmental, and Mycorrhizal Influences on Fine-Root Trait Variation Using the Global Fine-Root Ecology Database (FRED)Oak Ridge National LaboratoryTESORNL-SFA
KovenCharlieUnderstanding the interplay of rooting strategy and plant hydraulic traits on the response of forest stands of CZ2 to climate variation of Southern Sierra CaliforniaLawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryBEREarly Career
HansonPaulUnderstanding the Relative Importance of Nitrogen Versus Phosphorus Cycling in an Undisturbed Ombrotrophic Bog: Insight into Ecosystem Response to SPRUCE ManipulationsOak Ridge National LaboratoryTESORNL-SFA
MoultonDavidUnleashing Modeler Creativity: IDEAS on How Flexible Software can Further Process UnderstandingLos Alamos National LaboratorySBRIDEAS-Watersheds
MedvigyDavidUnraveling the Mechanisms of Below- and Aboveground Liana-Tree Competition in Tropical ForestsUniversity of Notre DameTESUniversity Award
BaileyVanessaUpdating and applying the global soil respiration database (SRDB) for carbon cycling researchPacific Northwest National LaboratoryTESPNNL TES
DemersJasonUse of Stable Mercury Isotopes to Assess Mercury and Methylmercury Transformation and Transport across Critical Interfaces from the Molecular to the Watershed ScaleUniversity of MichiganSBRUniversity Award
YeMingUsing Global Sensitivity Analysis to Identify Controlling Processes of Complex SystemsFlorida State UniversitySBRUniversity Award
ChambersJeffVertical and horizontal distributions of tree density, tree size, crown size and crown packing over the Brazilian Amazon from airborne lidar dataLawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryTESNGEE-Tropics
HansonPaulWarming Increases Plant-Available Nitrogen and Phosphorus in the SPRUCE BogOak Ridge National LaboratoryTESORNL-SFA
BaileyVanessaWater and Hysteretic Controls on Soil Carbon BiogeochemistryPacific Northwest National LaboratoryTESPNNL TES
HubbardSusanWatershed Functional Zonation: Advancing Bedrock-to-Canopy Characterization across WatershedsLawrence Berkeley National LaboratorySBRLBNL-SFA
LibertyLeeWatershed scale seismic imaging and porosity estimation with the seismic land streamer in the Upper East River, ColoradoBoise State UniversitySBRUniversity Award
HansonPaulWhat is the Effect of Climate Change on Belowground Resource Acquisition Strategies in a Boreal Peatland?Oak Ridge National LaboratoryTESORNL-SFA
ScheibeTimWorldwide Hydrobiogeochemical Observation Network for Dynamic River Systems (WHONDRS)Pacific Northwest National LaboratorySBRPNNL-SFA
HansonPaulA Closed Model of Light Reactions of Photosynthesis for General ApplicationsOak Ridge National LaboratoryTESORNL-SFA
MayesMelanieAccounting for carbon and energy edge effects in forest boundaries: A collaboration with ORNL,NIST, and Boston UniversityOak Ridge National LaboratoryTESORNL-SFA
WantyRichardActive Groundwater Circulation and Permeability Observations Defined By Interdisciplinary Characterization of Geologic Controls in a Mineralized Headwater CatchmentU.S. Geological SurveySBRLBNL-SFA
HubbardSusanAn End-End Pipeline for Watershed Data Management and AssimilationLawrence Berkeley National LaboratorySBRLBNL-SFA
HubbardSusanApproaches to Identify and Predict Water Exports across and within Subsystems in the East River WatershedLawrence Berkeley National LaboratorySBRLBNL-SFA
NippertJesseBenchmarking and developing demographic models with long-term shrub encroachment data in US tallgrass prairieKansas State UniversityTESUniversity Award
WullschlegerStanBiogeochemical Redox Interactions Modulate Soil Organic Matter Mineralization in Wet Arctic TundraOak Ridge National LaboratoryTESNGEE-Arctic
KemnerKennethBiogeochemistry and Contaminant Speciation in Savannah River Site SedimentsArgonne National LaboratorySBRANL-SFA
FisherJoshuaCarbon–Nutrient Economy of the Rhizosphere: Improving Biogeochemical Prediction and Scaling Feedbacks from Ecosystem to Regional ScalesUniversity of California, Los AngelesTESUniversity Award
SkilesS. MckenzieConstraining Physical Understanding of Aerosol Loading, Biogeochemistry, and Snowmelt Hydrology from Hillslope to Watershed Scale in the East River Scientific Focus AreaUniversity of UtahSBRUniversity Award
KemnerKennethCoupled Iron and Uranium Biogeochemistry in Tims Branch, Savannah River SiteArgonne National LaboratorySBRANL-SFA
SchuurEdward (Ted)Coupled Long-Term Experiment and Model Investigation of The Differential Response of Plants and Soil Microbes in a Changing Permafrost Tundra EcosystemNorthern Arizona UniversityTESUniversity Award
WeberKarrieDecrease in Aqueous U(VI) Following an Influx of Oxidants into Organic-Rich Reduced SedimentsUniversity of Nebraska-LincolnSBRUniversity Award
CusackDanielaDepth Distribution of Fine Roots and Organic Carbon Across Fertility and Rainfall Gradients in Lowland Tropical Forests of PanamaColorado State UniversityTESEarly Career
AgarwalDeborahDesigning the ESS-DIVE Repository to be Trusted by the Community and FAIRLawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryBERESS-DIVE
ChambersJeffDetermining the Best-Fit Model for Tropical Soil Phosphorus Sorption with Relevance to Earth System ModelsLawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryTESNGEE-Tropics
MaherKateDevelopment of a molecularly informed biogeochemical framework for reactive transport modeling of subsurface carbon inventories, transformations and fluxesStanford UniversitySBRUniversity Award
WaringBonnieDevelopment of Artificial Roots and Synthetic Soils to Probe Mechanisms of Soil Organic Matte CyclingUtah State UniversityTESUniversity Award
JastrowJulieDigital Tools for Advanced Analysis and Comparison of Irregular Carbon Distributions in Cryoturbated Soil ProfilesArgonne National LaboratoryTESANL-SFA
HansonPaulEcosystem Warming Accelerates Peatland Carbon Loss: Findings from the First Three Years of SPRUCEOak Ridge National LaboratoryTESORNL-SFA
HessNancyEMSL: A DOE Office of Science User Facility for Environmental System Science ResearchPacific Northwest National LaboratoryBERUser Facility
AgarwalDeborahESS-DIVE Standards: Hydrologic Monitoring and Geochemical Concentration Data and MetadataLawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryBERESS-DIVE
AgarwalDeborahESS-DIVE Standards: Leaf Physiology and Continuous Soil Respiration Data and MetadataLawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryBERESS-DIVE
HansonPaulEvaluating ELM-SPRUCE Using Carbon Isotope MeasurementsOak Ridge National LaboratoryTESORNL-SFA
PowersJenniferExtrapolating Ecosystem Processes of Seasonally Dry Tropical Forests Across Geographic Scales and into Future ClimatesUniversity of Minnesota, St. PaulTESUniversity Award
ChambersJeffFATES-SPITFIRE: Dynamic Ecosystem Assembly Through Interaction of Disturbance, Vegetation Strategies and Structure in the TropicsLawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryTESNGEE-Tropics
ChambersJeffFirst soil-specific calibrated measurements of soil moisture in a Central Amazonian tropical forestLawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryTESNGEE-Tropics
BriggsMartinGeophysical characterization of iron oxide precipitation in anoxic groundwater discharge zonesU.S. Geological SurveySBRUniversity Award
WalkerAnthonyHelp Wanted: Defining an Extensible, Understandable, and General (?) Naming Convention for Ecological and Environmental DataOak Ridge National LaboratoryTESFACE
NippertJesseHydraulic responses of Cornus drummondii to fire frequency and drought in a tallgrass prairieKansas State UniversityTESUniversity Award
ScheibeTimHydrobiogeochemical Variability: Mechanisms Governing Reaction- to Basin-Scale Hydrobiogeochemical RegimesPacific Northwest National LaboratorySBRPNNL-SFA
GriffisTimHydrometeorological sensitivities of net ecosystem carbon dioxide and methane exchange of an Amazonian palm swamp peatlandUniversity of Minnesota, Saint PaulTESUniversity Award
MoultonDavidIDEAS-Watersheds Continental Modeling Platform and SimulationsLos Alamos National LaboratorySBRIDEAS-Watersheds
MoultonDavidIDEAS-Watersheds PNNL SFA Partnership: Multi-Scale River Corridor Hydrobiogeochemical ModelingLos Alamos National LaboratorySBRIDEAS-Watersheds
MoultonDavidIDEAS-Watersheds: Accelerating watershed science through a community-driven software ecosystemLos Alamos National LaboratorySBRIDEAS-Watersheds
MoultonDavidIDEAS-Watersheds: Cross-cutting view and Integration– Workflows and Fine-scale activitiesLos Alamos National LaboratorySBRIDEAS-Watersheds
MoultonDavidIDEAS-Watersheds_ Partnership with the Watershed Function SFALos Alamos National LaboratorySBRIDEAS-Watersheds
ChambersJeffIdentifying plant resource acquisition and allocation strategies for nutrient-enabled ELM-FATESLawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryTESNGEE-Tropics
MathenyAshleyIncorporating Halophyte Hydrodynamics in Plant Hydraulics Models to Capture Mangrove Forest Responses to a Changing ClimateUniversity of Texas at AustinTESUniversity Award
WullschlegerStanIntegrating New Knowledge of Arctic Tundra Processes into DOE’s E3SM Land ModelOak Ridge National LaboratoryTESNGEE-Arctic
HansonPaulPlant Physiological Response to Whole Ecosystem Warming and Elevated CO2– Can Bog Plants Be Water Stressed?Oak Ridge National LaboratoryTESORNL-SFA
ChambersJeffPlant water sourcing in the neotropics—effects of topography and rainfallLawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryTESNGEE-Tropics
KuangChongaiThe Third ARM Mobile Facility: Coupled Observational-Modeling Studies of Land-Aerosol-Cloud Interactions in the Southeastern United StatesBrookhaven National LaboratoryBERARM
AgarwalDeborahESS-DIVE Publication Workflow_ Publishing High Quality Data Packages with ESS-DIVELawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryBERESS-DIVE
ChambersJeffWhere do trees’ source water during drought? Inverse modeling reveals drought strategies coordinating water-uptake depths with above ground traitsLawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryTESNGEE-Tropics
WullschlegerStanA Mechanistic Model of Climate Sensitivity Hysteresis of Soil Organic Matter DynamicsOak Ridge National LaboratoryTESNGEE-Arctic

Meeting agenda

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

2:00 pm - 2:05 pmOpening Logistics/IntroductionJennifer Arrigo
2:05 pm - 2:10 pmWelcome and BER UpdateSharlene Weatherwax
2:10 pm - 2:15 pmEESSD UpdateGary Geernaert
2:15 pm - 2:30 pmSBR Update [PDF]P. Bayer
2:30 pm - 2:45 pmTES Update [PDF]D. Stover
2:45 pm - 2:55 pmUpdate of TES/SBR Combining to 1 ESS Program [PDF}D. Stover
2:55 pm - 3:05 pmESS-DIVE: Updates on New Features, Standards, and Community Activities [PDF]Charu Varadharajan
3:05 pm - 3:15 pmARM Mobile Facility Deployments: SAIL and Southeastern United States [PDF]Dan Feldman and Chongai Kuang
3:15 pm - 3:30 pmCommunity Discussion/Q&AAll

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

TimeProgram Speaker
2:00 pm - 2:05 pmOpening Logistics/IntroductionJennifer Arrigo
2:05 pm - 2:15 pmCyberinfrastructure Working Groups UpdateDavid Moulton
2:15 pm - 2:25 pmIHTM Workshop Report and Next Steps[PDF]Tim Scheibe
2:25 pm - 2:40 pmTES Science Talk : An Historical Perspective on Elevated CO2 Research: Early Insights Guiding Today Research Agenda [PDF]Rich Norby
2:40 pm - 2:55 pmSBR Science Talk: IDEAS-Watersheds [PDF]David Moulton
2:55 pm - 3:10 pmAmplifying Science Insights Synergistic partnerships between EMSL and Light Sources[PDF]Douglas Mans, Ken Kemner"
3:10 pm - 3:30 pmPrimer on the Federal Budget ProcessGary Geernaert
3:30 pmClosing